a showcase featuring short films that honor a child’s creativity & spirit:

THIN SKIN: & the mana of many
Body Portal Theatre, in collaboration with Mid-Pacific Institute and Wai'alae Elementary Public Charter School, came together over 6 weeks to create embodied connections with 70 preschoolers and their families for an art installation performance.

Director: Rob Lau

Outside the Box: Cultivating Future Pollinators

Jasmine Joy of Beelieve Hawaii is a holistic beekeeper, teacher, writer, and activist. Jasmine's mission is to reverse pollinator declines through education, habitat restoration, mindfulness, and a humane honeybee rescue service. Through the Pollinator Program, Jasmine inspires youth to understand the crucial role of pollinators. Initially started on the West Side of Oahu, her goal is to expand her program throughout Hawaii to cultivate future pollinators.

Director: Rob Lau

POW! WOW! Nepal

The Koseli School in Kathmandu is graced by a fine team of international artists that all came together to re-paint the school and transform it into an inspiring place to learn.

The team of creators consisted of Cryptk, Shrine On, Lauren YS, Caratoes, Lauren Napolitano, Jeff Gress, Kai Kaulukukui, Katherine Rutter, IMAGINE, Philip Milic, Jean Philippe Burton, Lindsay Rider, Saadhux, Kosmic 13, Kiran Maharjan, I.effigy, and the Childrens Art Museum of Nepal.

Director: Mikey Inouye 

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Q&A with SheenRu Yong & Spencer Agoston of body portal theatre (THIN SKIN), Jasmine Joy of Beelieve Hawaii (Outside the Box) and filmmaker Rob Lau

Honoring the Child

short film showcase

Saturday, February 16, 2019

4:00 -  5:30 PM

what ever it is, website image

What Ever It Is We Call Ourselves

20 AUGUST 2017

7pm & 9pm

Mime Centrum Berlin

Dance Performances by:

Ekko I — Lisa Colette Bysheim
THIN SKIN — SheenRu Yong with E. Spencer Agoston

Ekko I — 
Every body has a story; we are accumulations of experiences. Like a canvas that has been layered with paint, impressions, and forms, we are able to peel away one layer at a time to discover another beneath. Ekko I is a solo that explores the different dimensions of echo within the body, space, time and movement. Inspired from a personal journey, this intimate performance explores how our past experiences affect who we are in the present, helping us define our future choices. The space opens up for the audience to experience a personal exploration about identity and gender, as told by the performer. 

Funded with support from Bergen Kommune, Bergen Dansesenter -regional kompetansesenter for dans.

THIN SKIN & the topography of time —
Replete with techno, waltz, lullabies and superheroes, THIN SKIN is an exploration of the layers we put on and take off over the course of a lifetime - in our daily choices, our relationships, even in the creative process itself. What do we allow to be seen? Through a different-every-time intimate showing designed for a small audience, viewers are invited into the studio to experience a personal unveiling of our softest selves.

FREE - donations welcome


To reserve a space, email: 

THIN SKIN & the risk of resonance


28 February • 7 & 9pm

What do we allow to be seen? 

In the first solo & duet iterations of THIN SKIN, we explored vulnerability through a personal unveiling of our softest selves. Through a residency at Kaka'ako Agora and a community workshop-performance project, we've expanded the narrative from personal to collective, looking at the layers we use to divide, define, and protect ourselves.

By revealing ourselves, can we see & feel the other? In this politically charged climate, how can we actively create experiences of empathic resonance?

Please join us for the culminating performance-installation on February 28th. 

Produced by Kala Roots.

Kaka'ako Agora, 441 Cooke Street, Honolulu.



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