thin skin
& the topography of time
Replete with techno, waltz, lullabies and superheroes, thin skin is an exploration of the layers we put on and take off over the course of a lifetime — in our daily choices, our relationships, even in the creative process itself. What do we allow to be seen? Is it only our polished selves, the finished pieces? Or can others come along with us in our unmapped journey(s)?
Through a different-every-time intimate showing designed for a small audience, viewers are invited into the studio to experience the raw process of choreography & scenography, a dialogue with and between two artists, and a personal unveiling of our softest selves.
Choreography — SheenRu Yong
Scenography — E. Spencer Agoston
Dramaturgy — Barbara Demaret
Restaged as part of O’ahu Fringe Festival.